Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Archives - Home Health Beauty Tips Homemade Health and Beauty Tips Thu, 10 Dec 2020 02:07:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Archives - Home Health Beauty Tips 32 32 Broken Capillary In The Eye: Causes And Remedies Thu, 10 Dec 2020 02:07:29 +0000 The rupture of the capillaries of the eye is a very frequent but generally harmless event, which results from the rupture of a small blood vessel; the consequence is the appearance of redness that can be localized or more diffuse. More worrying is the case of deep eye bleeding, in which the redness, however, cannot […]

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The rupture of the capillaries of the eye is a very frequent but generally harmless event, which results from the rupture of a small blood vessel; the consequence is the appearance of redness that can be localized or more diffuse. Broken Capillary In The Eye

More worrying is the case of deep eye bleeding, in which the redness, however, cannot be seen, as occurs in patients affected by retinopathy of the diabetic patient.Broken Capillary In The Eye - Causes And Remedies

Causes Of Broken Capillary In The Eye

The possible causes of rupture of the ocular capillaries are numerous, but in most cases, it is not possible to trace the exact reason; capillaries are fragile structures, which can easily break even in relatively common situations, such as:

  • Cough
  • Sneezing
  • Weight lifting
  • High blood pressure
  • Allergic reaction
  • Intense and frequent rubbing of the eyes
  • Scratches, trauma, or injury to or near the eye.

Risk Factors Of Broken Capillary In The Eye

It is possible to identify some diseases that increase the risk of eye-bleeding by weakening the blood vessels of the eye:

  • diabetic retinopathy
  • retinal detachment
  • arteriosclerosis
  • aneurysm
  • conjunctival amyloidosis
  • age-related macular degeneration
  • posterior vitreous detachment
  • multiple myeloma
  • infections

Classification And Symptoms Of Broken Capillary In The Eye

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

The conjunctiva contains very small nerves and blood vessels; if these blood vessels are normally barely visible, they immediately become larger and visible if the eye is inflamed. Being physiologically extreme, the walls can easily rupture, causing subconjunctival hemorrhage (bleeding under the conjunctiva).

This type of eye-bleeding is the most common; it generally does not cause pain and does not affect the ability to see; it is characterized by

  • eye redness
  • the sensation of the presence of grains of sand in the eye
  • the sensation of eye fullness

Generally, they do not require therapy; these are manifestations without complications destined to resolve in about a week.


Hyphema is a collection of blood that accumulates between the iris, pupil, and cornea. This type of eye-bleeding is less common but can be more dangerous because it can lead to permanent vision loss if left untreated. The main difference between hyphema and subconjunctival hemorrhage is the presence of pain in the eye. Hyphema

Other symptoms include:

  • diffuse bleeding of the eye (not visible if small)
  • blurred vision
  • hypersensitivity to light ( photophobia )

Deep Bleeding

The damage and rupture of blood vessels can cause bleeding even inside the eyeball, usually not visible on the surface because it is located deeper; types of deeper eye-bleeding include: Deep Bleeding

  • vitreous hemorrhage, which involves the vitreous space, i.e., the surface between the posterior portion of the lens and the retina
  • subretinal hemorrhage
  • submacular hemorrhage, which involves the macula that is the portion of the eye in the center of the retina that is most sensitive to light stimuli

Possible symptoms may include:

  • blurred vision
  • the vision of floats, i.e., spots that seem to float
  • seeing flashes of light (photopsia)
  • the sensation of pressure or fullness in the eye
  • eye swelling

Treatment And Remedies For Broken Capillary In The Eye

A more careful approach is often necessary for the treatment of eye capillary brokerage, including for example:

  • in case of arterial hypertension, therapy with antihypertensive drugs,
  • in case of hyphema, the prescription of eye drops as needed:
  • artificial tears to keep the eye moist
  • cortisone to reduce swelling
  • antibiotics or antivirals in the case of, respectively, bacterial or viral infection

Rarely, surgery may be necessary to repair the damaged vessel or to drain excess blood.

Self-Medication For Broken Capillary In The Eye

In case of doubts, it is recommended to refer to the pharmacist or doctor. Still, generally in the absence of worrying symptoms, it is possible to try the following self-medication for a few days: cold compresses on closed eyes

  • application of artificial tears
  • cold compresses on closed eyes to be applied twice a day
  • avoid exposure to triggers or irritants such as smoke, pollen, dust, chlorine
  • wash hands often and avoid contact with eyes

Prevention Of Broken Capillary In The Eye

To reduce the risk of rupture of the capillaries of the eye, it is recommended to:

  • use protective goggles in very bright and dusty environments
  • check your blood pressure regularly
  • have regular eye checks
  • in case of wearing contact lenses:
  • clean and replace them regularly
  • avoid sleeping with your lenses on

The post Broken Capillary In The Eye: Causes And Remedies appeared first on Home Health Beauty Tips.

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