Oversensitive Nipples: Symptoms And Treatment
Women Health Care

Oversensitive Nipples: Symptoms And Treatment

An extremely sensitive and painful nipple is known as an oversensitive nipple, which makes it uncomfortable to touch or to wear clothing. Numerous factors, including hormonal changes, breastfeeding, injuries, infections, or specific medical conditions, can cause this. One or both nipples may be sensitive, and the pain may range from mild discomfort to excruciating agony. Oversensitive nipples occasionally come with additional symptoms like itchiness, burning, or a rash in the vicinity of the nipple. It’s important to seek medical advice from a healthcare provider if you have persistent or severe nipple sensitivity to determine the underlying cause and the best course of action.

What Are The Symptoms Of An Oversensitive Nipple?

From minor discomfort to intense pain, oversensitive nipple symptoms can vary from person to person. One of the most typical signs of oversensitive nipples is pain or discomfort when the nipples are touched, rubbed, or come into contact with clothing or fabric.

Oversensitive nipples are more sensitive than usual, which can make them feel tender and painful. They might also develop increased sensitivity to temperature variations.

Hypersensitive nipples occasionally also cause itching or burning in the nipple area. Oversensitive Nipples may be swollen or inflamed, giving them a larger-than-normal appearance. Rarely, oversensitive nipples may also discharge, which may be clear, white, or bloody.

In some cases, the skin around the nipple may turn red, scaly, or itchy. Additionally, the color of the areola, which is the dark region around the nipple, may change.

If your nipples are overly sensitive due to hormonal changes, you may also experience breast pain.

It is important to seek medical advice from a healthcare provider if you have persistent or severe nipple sensitivity to determine the underlying cause and the best course of action. For many people, having excessively sensitive nipples can be a problem, but you can try some at-home remedies to help the discomfort go away. Here are a few ideas:

Home Remedies For Over Sensitive Nipples?

1. Cold Compress

Apply cold compresses to the affected area to relieve pain and inflammation. This can help soothe irritated nipples. For a few minutes at a time, you can apply a cold pack or some ice wrapped in a towel to your nipples.

2. Warm Compresses

Applying a warm compress to sore nipples can also be soothing. Place a washcloth on your nipples after soaking them in warm water for a short while. Pain can be lessened and circulation can be improved. 

3. Wear Soft, Cozy Clothing

Soft, cozy clothing can help reduce friction on your nipples and stop further itchiness. Choose bras and shirts made of loose-fitting cotton clothes.

4. Consider Using Nipple Shields

By creating a barrier between your nipples and your clothing, nipple shields can help lessen sensitivity. They are offered at the majority of pharmacies. Use nipple creams: Some several creams and ointments can assist in calming and moisturizing your nipples. Look for products with natural ingredients such as coconut oil or lanolin.

5. Avoid Irritants

Some products, such as perfumes and lotions, can irritate and amplify the sensitivity of your nipples. In the vicinity of your nipples, stay away from using these products. Use painkillers: Taking over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help lessen pain and inflammation.

What Causes Oversensitive Nipples?

The hormonal changes that take place in a woman’s body throughout her life are the cause of oversensitive nipples.

The increased levels of estrogen and progesterone a girl experiences during puberty may cause breast development, which may increase the sensitivity of her nipples. Additionally, estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, which can result in breast tenderness, swelling, and nipple sensitivity. The body produces more hormones during pregnancy, and the breasts prepare for breastfeeding. The nipples may become more sensitive as a result as they get ready for the baby’s arrival.

 Additionally, breastfeeding can make a woman’s nipples too sensitive. The nipples may become sore, cracked, and tender from the baby sucking. Because of this, women may become more sensitive and feel pain or discomfort while nursing.

Overall, hormonal changes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and other factors can lead to oversensitive nipples in females. It’s crucial to seek medical advice from a healthcare professional if you have persistent or severe nipple sensitivity. You should seek further evaluation and treatment from a healthcare provider if your oversensitive nipples continue or worsen.


  1. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/sensitive-nipples
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8418445/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK153481/
  4. https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=sore-nipples-90-P02891


This post was last modified on May 4, 2023 3:46 pm

Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta

Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta:  Professionally a homeopathic doctor and a dietician Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta is passionate about writing health and parenting blogs. She believes in holistic approach towards health and well being.


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