Why You Need To Do These Yoga Asanas Daily - Home Health Beauty Tips
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Why You Need To Do These Yoga Asanas Daily

Do These Yoga Asanas Daily

Including yoga in your daily routine has big changes to make. It will leave your with a strong, flexible and supple body which is not only healthy but also has a sound mind. The actual benefits of yoga cannot be tallied.

There are a number of asanas performed in yoga and each one has it’s on purpose to serve. Here is a list of a few such asanas you should try and how it doing it daily would benefit you.

Need To Do These Yoga Asanas Daily

Surya Namaskara:

Surya Namaskara or sun salutation is a very famous 12 step yoga exercise having numerous benefits and is considered a great way to begin your day. The asana involves every part of the body and hence beneficial for heart, liver, intestine, stomach, chest, throat, legs and ofcourse, the mind.

The many benefits of sun salutation include improving overall health, improved digestion, attaining flat abs and toned arms, stronger spine, detoxification of your body and hence weight loss, elimination of anxiety, increased flexibility, regular menstrual cycle in women, and keeps you youthful.

Surya Namaskara

Surya Namaskara is said to be performed on empty stomach , therefore choose to do it before breakfast or in the evening. Do keep in mind to leave a 2 hrs gap between having food and performing the exercise. At the end of the exercise perform Shavasana to relax your body.


Vrikshasana or the tree pose is an asana that can be performed by people of most ages and is said to increase your sense of balance. The asana mainly helps to strengthen your calves, ankles, thighs and spine. Vrikshasana is also helps you cure pain in the back, hip and outer of the leg.


It is suggested that people with conditions like insomnia, low blood pressure etc do not practice this asana.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama

This, otherwise called the opposite nasal breathing, is known as one of the best breathing exercises. It can work wonders on a person’s mind and body. Anulom Vilom is said to cure any internal body condition and is also said to make your mind calm by shedding away stress and anxiety.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama

It is said that this breathing exercise benefits you by balancing the body’s three doshas- Vata or the wind, Pitta or the bilious humour and Kapha or the body fluid that relates to mucus. The imbalance of these would cause illness. It is beneficial for weight loss and also to control cholesterol and removing artery blocks. The exercise also helps you find succinct relief from sinus, respiratory issues like asthma etc.

This can be performed by people of all ages, although it is suggested for women to not try it during their pregnancy or periods.

Ardh Matsyendrasana

This asana which concentrates on the posture of the spine is great workout for a more strong and supple spine and making your chest and hip joints much more elastic. It is also said to considerably improve breathing capacity.

Ardh Matsyendrasana

However, as the pose brings stress to certain body areas like abdomen, spine, joints etc, it is suggested that you are sure of your physical condition before performing it.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Another much known posture of yoga, Kapalbhati Pranayama is a fine way to get healthy and glowing skin. Yes, performing this asana is said to remove carbon dioxide from blood and as a result your blood is purified giving you clear, healthy glowing skin.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

The other benefits of this yoga asana is that it improves the digestive tract, absorption and assimilation of nutrients into the body. It also helps to reduce wrinkles on your skin by rejuvenating tired cells in your body. It is also much helpful to those who yearn for a flat and toned abdomen.


Even though you may find it a bit difficult to try this, it is a powerful asana for the whole body and hence called the “king of asanas”. The asana is said to improve the circulation of blood to the brain due to its posture and hence improves memory and intelligence.

The exercise will also help you avoid nervousness , fatigue, sleeplessness, dullness, fear and other ailments like asthma, headaches, constipation, congested throat or liver or spleen. It is also said to enhance the working of the endocrine glands to keep your body in good working order. The head stand will also help in hair growth as its position ensure blood circulation into the scalp.


However, as it is an asana that reserves much energy and strain, you need to be in good health to try this asana or head stand. It is also suggested for beginners to take help from someone when you initially start performing it.

These yoga asanas will provide you numerous benefits as stated above if performed daily. Yoga offers you a healthy body and mind. Hence you should try to incorporate these asanas into your daily routine and your lifestyle to stay happy , peaceful and healthy.

This post was last modified on June 22, 2017 1:11 am

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