lactose intolerance Archives - Home Health Beauty Tips Homemade Health and Beauty Tips Thu, 15 Nov 2018 08:47:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 lactose intolerance Archives - Home Health Beauty Tips 32 32 Kefir And Its Health Benefits On Our Body Thu, 15 Nov 2018 08:46:10 +0000 Kefir And Its Health Benefits On Our Body When it comes to being healthy then you need to first keep your gut area clean and healthy. Consuming more and more probiotic food helps in keeping your gut clean and your digestive system healthy. Kefir is one such probiotic food that is very healthy for your […]

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Kefir And Its Health Benefits On Our Body

When it comes to being healthy then you need to first keep your gut area clean and healthy. Consuming more and more probiotic food helps in keeping your gut clean and your digestive system healthy. Kefir is one such probiotic food that is very healthy for your gut.

Kefir And Its Health Benefits On Our Body

Kefir And Its Health Benefits On Our Body

Kefir Helps in Keeping the Gut area Healthy and Promotes Digestion

It has more friendly bacteria than yogurt and it keeps your health boosted in many ways. It is a sour tasting drink that is made by fermenting yeast in cow’s milk. It is available in milk and water form that is made from different substances.

Here are Some Amazing Health Benefits of Consuming Kefir on Regular Basis:

1# Improves Bone Health

Kefir is rich in calcium and vitamin K2 that helps in improving the bone health and also prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis. It enhances the calcium absorption in the bone cells and makes them strong and healthy. It reduces the risk of fractures and keep your bones stronger than before.

2# Improves Digestive Health

Kefir promotes healthy bacteria and boosts digestion

Kefir restores the friendly bacteria in the gut area and boosts the digestive health. It also helps in treating many forms of diarrhea and digestive ailments. It also treats irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers and infections. It also helps in treating acid reflux and keeps digestive system boosted.

Kefir promotes healthy bacteria and boosts digestion

Kefir promotes healthy bacteria and boosts digestion

3# Helps In Weight Loss

Kefir is rich in protein and it helps in keeping your tummy full and this further saves you from binge eating. It promotes healthy weight loss and keeps your gut area clean and healthy. It keeps your weight constant and maintained as you lose those extra kilos and fat in a safe manner.

4# May Help In Preventing Cancer

There are certain compounds in kefir that might led to self-destruction of cancer cells in colon and gut area cancer. Kefir has polysaccharides, peptides and sphingolipids that helps in inducing cancer cell death. As per a study, kefir extract has reduced the cancer breast cells by 56 percent as compared to yogurt extract where the reduction was 14% only.

5# Lowers The Cholesterol Level

Kefir helps in reducing the chances of high cholesterol levels

Kefir helps in reducing the cholesterol level as it contains low fat as well. Probiotics present in the kefir also leads to the reduction in cholesterol level and keeps heart healthy.

Kefir helps in reducing the chances of high cholesterol levels

Kefir helps in reducing the chances of high cholesterol levels

6# Boosts Immunity

The folate and biotin present in the kefir helps in boosting the immune system and keeps the body away from various diseases and attack of virus. The strain of probiotics in kefir helps in preventing the the body against salmonella and E.Coli bacteria that attacks the gut system of the body.

7# Boosts Skin Health

Gut issues leads to onset of acne, rashes and other skin infections and this can be cured by consuming kefir regularly that cleans up the gut area and enhances skin health. It also contains a carbohydrate called kefiran that improves the quality of the skin and accelerates the process of wound healing.

8# Good For Lactose Intolerance People

Kefir is good for lactose intolerant people as it contains probiotics

For those who can’t have milk due to lactose intolerance can easily switch to kefir. Probiotics in kefir helps in digesting the lactose easily and boosts lactose tolerance. So now there is a healthy option for the people who cannot consume milk or yogurt as they can easily consume kefir and boost the immunity and keep the gut area healthy.

Kefir is good for lactose intolerant people as it contains probiotics

Kefir is good for lactose intolerant people as it contains probiotics

How To Prepare Kefir?

It is Very Easy to Prepare Kefir at Home by Following these Simple Steps:

1) Take 2-3 tbsp of kefir grains and add them to a small bowl or jar.
2) Now add 2 cups of milk to this jar and fill it up leaving 1 inch space at the top of the jar.
3) Cover the jar with a lid and keep it undisturbed for 12-36 hours at room temperature.
4) Keep checking the mixture, when its clumpy then its ready for consumption.
5) Strain the liquid and consume the original kefir grains.
6) Repeat the same process for making more kefir.

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Home Remedies to Reduce Burping or Belching Mon, 30 May 2016 16:29:41 +0000 Home Remedies Tips to Reduce Burping Burping or belching may be defined as the release of the air from the mouth with a sharp or typical noise and sometimes is accompanied by a foul odor. It happens when esophagus or stomach releases the gas through the mouth. Occasionally burping is common and even better as […]

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Home Remedies Tips to Reduce Burping

Burping or belching may be defined as the release of the air from the mouth with a sharp or typical noise and sometimes is accompanied by a foul odor. It happens when esophagus or stomach releases the gas through the mouth. Occasionally burping is common and even better as it removes unwanted gas from the stomach.

Burping is usually caused due to swallowing air in excess, but if benching is persistent it may be an indication of digestive disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux, celiac disorder, lactose intolerance, peptic ulcer, gastritis, etc.

Burping may sometimes cause embarrassment.In this article, we will discuss home remedies that prevent the formation of excess gas in the stomach and to reduce burping.

Home Remedies to Reduce Burping or Belching

Home Remedies to Reduce Burping or Belching

Home Remedies to Reduce Burping:

  1. Ginger to Reduce Burping- Take1 cup of hot water, add 1 tablespoon of the ginger slice to it, cover the cup and wait for a few minutes. Now strain the water and add 1 teaspoon honey and lemon to it. Drink this preparation 2 to 3 times a day to encourage digestion, You may also take ginger powder or chew fresh ginger root before meals.relax gastrointestinal muscles and prevent bloating of the stomach and burping.
    Ginger to Reduce Burping

    Ginger to Reduce Burping

  2. Yogurt to Reduce Burping- Yogurt contains probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that promote proper functioning of the digestive tract. Imbalance of good bacteria may cause the excessive formation of gas and burping. Probiotic foods help to balance good bacteria and ease symptoms of stomach upset. Yogurt is also a good substitute to milk in the case of lactose intolerance that may cause burping.
  3. Chamomile Tea to Reduce Burping-

    Chamomile tea helps the digestive system to release gas via system rather than the mouth. It also relieves cramps and stomach ache.

  4. Lemon Juice- Take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in a bowl and mix it with 1 teaspoon baking soda all. Drink this preparation and 1 cup water. Remember water should be cool. Drink this preparation after meals enhance proper digestion and to reduce burping.
    Lemon Juice

    Lemon Juice

  5. Papaya- Papaya contains an enzyme called papain that promotes digestion. For digestion. Eat papaya to get rid of burping.


  6. Peppermint- Prepare peppermint tea by boiling peppermint leaves in water or by adding peppermint tea in hot water cup and then leave it to steep for a few minutes. Drink this preparation 2 times a day to relax the digestive tract and reduce burping. Please note that people with gallstones should avoid drinking peppermint tea.
  7. Cardamom to reduce burping-

    The carminative properties of cardamom increases digestive juice production. You may chew cardamom or have a cup or water boiled along with 1 teaspoon crushed cardamom to prevent the formation of gas, bloating of stomach, belching, and flatulence.

  8. Asafoetida- Asafoetida should be added daily while cooking food as reduces formation of gas in the stomach It also has antispasmodic and antiflatulent. Take 1 tablespoon fennel and add one-fourth teaspoon asafoetida to it. Consume with mixture two times a day with honey to reduce burping naturally.


  9. Cumin seeds-

    Roat cumin seed, fennel seeds, and celery seeds and mix them. Take these seeds daily with warm water to reduce burping.

  10. Anise seeds- Owing to carminative properties of Anisa seeds it is used to aid digestion and to reduce burping. You can chew anise seeds followed with warm water or may have a cup of water boiled along with crushed anise seeds.
  11. Basil leaves-

    basil leaves have carminative property as well as it is antispasmodic. To reduce burping chew 5 to 6 basil leaves daily, preferably in the morning.

  12. Caraway seeds-

    Chewing caraway seeds also prevents the formation of gas in the stomach and calms down the digestive system.

Home remedies mentioned above are natural ways to reduce burping, but slight changes in your lifestyle and diet may prevent excessive gas formation. Keep in mind:

Tipos to Reduce Burping or Belching

Tipos to Reduce Burping or Belching

  1. Avoid eating junk foods or food rich in fats.
  2. Stop smoking.
  3. Do not lie down immediately after eating.
  4. Drink at least 8 to 9 glasses of water daily.
  5. Have small meals and in small intervals.
  6. Eat slowly and keep your mouth closed while eating.
  7. Avoid sucking hard candies.
  8. Avoid carbonated drinks and use of the straw to drink beverages.
  9. Reduce stress.
  10. Exercise daily.

The post Home Remedies to Reduce Burping or Belching appeared first on Home Health Beauty Tips.

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