Light Periods: Causes, Symptoms And Home Remedies

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Of Light Periods

Females today openly talk about periods and related issues. There is an essential link between periods and women health. Every woman of reproductive age bleed like a normal part of their menstruation cycle. Each woman maintains a different menstrual cycle. In general, a menstrual cycle is of 28 days and period lasts from 3-7 days. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms and home remedies for light periods.

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Of Light Periods

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Of Light Periods

What Is light Periods

Unusual light flow during periods is termed as light periods.

What Causes Light Periods

If you experience light periods, it is essential to diagnose the cause for proper treatment and care. Light periods in most of the cases is associated with hormonal changes. An overdose of medicinal products may also be a cause. In some women, light periods may happen during pregnancy. Research shows that light periods may be due to underlying autoimmune disorders. Also, what you eat have a significant role and so poor diet may also be responsible for unusual light menstrual flow. Low weight, stress and depression can also cause light periods.

What Are The Symptoms Of Light Periods

A woman is said to suffer from light periods if bleeding lasts only for two days, bleeding is similar to spotting or extremely light. Also, women who miss periods 1 or more are said to have light periods.

What Are The Home Remedies For Light Periods

Not every case of light periods requires doctor’s attention. You may try home remedies for light periods to address the issue.

1. Water For Light Periods-

Improper water intake and dehydration make you less capable of enduring pain. During periods provide yourself with a sufficient amount of water Drink at least 3 litres of water on a daily basis and also during periods.

Water For Light Periods

Water For Light Periods

2. Fennel seeds for light periods-

One of the effective home remedy to treat unusually low flow during periods is fennel seed. It balances the level of hormones and improves the women libido. It has emmenagogue properties and helps to deal with menstrual cramps.

Every night soak about two tablespoons of fennel seeds in a cup of water, In the morning strain and drink the solution. Do this every day till the problem is solved.

3. Sesame seeds For Light Periods-

Sesame seeds have a positive impact on the hormones. They are rich in lignans and also provides beneficial fatty acids.

Sesame seeds For Light Periods

Sesame seeds For Light Periods

Roaster same seeds, grind them and mix with jaggery. Consume a teaspoon of this powder everyday before eating anything for two weeks before next due date.

4. Ginger for light periods-

Ginger is a popular home remedy to relief gastric issues. Also, it is used since ages by women to handle menstrual issues. Boil a few pieces of ginger in a cup of warm water for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and strain the concoction. Add honey to taste. Drink this concoction two times a day.

5. Cinnamon For Light Periods-

Cinnamon is a natural way to treat light periods and also relieves menstrual cramps. Add a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a glass of warm milk and drink it 2-3 times in a day during periods.

Cinnamon For Light Periods

Cinnamon For Light Periods

6. Ashoka Tree Bark For Light Periods-

The bark of Ashoka tree is a wonderful remedy for light periods and also treats amenorrhea, heavy periods or excessive flow during periods. It balances the female hormones.

Mix 9 grams Ashoka tree bark to 30 ml water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and drink this solution a few times a day until everything is normal again.

7. Coriander For Light Periods-

Coriander has emmenagogue property. It relieves menstrual cramps and treats period irregularity.

Coriander For Light Periods

Coriander For Light Periods

Boil a teaspoon of coriander seeds in 2 cups of water until the volume reduces to half. Strain and drink the concoction 2-3 time in a day from a week before your next due date.

In addition to the home remedies for light periods, you also need to eat a balanced diet. Be regular with your exercise regime or practice yoga and meditation to relieve stress. Changes in your lifestyle and diet will bring positive changes. But if still, you do not find relief and periods still do not happen, seek professional advice because light periods may be an indication of some severe underlying disease.

Here we end our article with the hope you will found it useful. If you know more home remedies for light periods, do share with us.

Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta
Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta:  Professionally a homeopathic doctor and a dietician Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta is passionate about writing health and parenting blogs. She believes in holistic approach towards health and well being.