Effective Home Remedies for Vaginal Boils

How to Reduce Vaginal Boils

Vaginal boils are inflamed bumps filled with pus, they can develop on the labia or the skin outside of the vagina in the pubic area. Vaginal boils are formed because of infection in the impacted hair follicle. Usually the vaginal boil starts as a small, slightly inflamed red-colored bump. Over a few days, it may get infected, swollen, and become painful. Some boils may heal on their own in 1-2 weeks, large and painful boils may require medical intervention like drainage and antibiotics. In severe cases, draining the boil may be needed by your doctor.

Factors responsible for vaginal boils

While many factors are causing the development of vaginal boils, I have listed below the few common conditions.

Bacterial infection

Bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli can cause the development of vaginal boils in the pubic area.

Folliculitis may occur after waxing or shaving of the pubic area


Bartholin gland cyst, may occur because of infection of the Bartholin gland which is present near the vaginal opening. A cyst may develop because of blockage of the gland, bacteria may further infect the cyst resulting in the development of a boil.

Sexually transmitted infections and genital piercing may also cause vaginal boils

Treating vaginal boils with home remedies

Usually, vaginal boils are self-healing, they go away within one to three weeks. With the help of certain home remedies you can ease the symptoms and speed up the process of healing. To avoid further infection, always wash your hands with antibacterial soap and water before touching the vaginal boil. Likewise, do not forget to wash your hands after the procedure, this will ensure prevention of spreading of infection to other areas.

Avoid pricking the vaginal boil

Withstand the temptation of pricking or squeezing the boil, this may spread the infection to other areas. Prinking might also trigger your pain and tenderness.

Warm compress

Apply a warm compress over the vaginal boil for 3-4 times a day for about 10-15 minutes. A warm compress will increase the blood circulation of the area and promote healing by drawing the pus to the surface. Eventually, the boil will burst open and drain completely. Keep the opened boil dry and clean, this will speed up the healing.

Warm compress

Warm compress

Make a warm compress by soaking a clean cloth in hot water, while wringing maximum water out of cloth hold this compress on the boil. Restrain squeezing or piercing the boil, as it has the potential to spread the infection. You can cover the boil with sterile gauze after opening and drainage of the boil. Change the bandage 2 -3 times a day. Over the counter, anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be used to reduce pain and swelling associated with the boil. Ointments and creams are usually not helpful as they do not have the potential to penetrate the infected skin.
Tea tree oil, castor oil extract, neem oil can be applied on the boil while changing the gauze.

Sitz bath

A sitz bath is a shallow bath filled with warm water, it helps in cleaning the premium area and provide comfort from pain in the genital area. Minor pain, itching, and irritation can be relieved with the help of a Sitz bath. Turmeric can be added to the water for additional antibacterial properties.

Wear loose bottoms

Tight clothes cause friction and harsh rubbing on the pubic skin, this may result in further infection and delay the process of healing. Likewise, Wear breathable underwear. Take special measures to keep the area dry, especially after workouts, keep the area clean and dry.

In case, you develop any other symptoms like – chills, fever, rapidly growing bump, extreme pain, multiple boils, recurrence of boils, consult your doctor immediately for additional treatment.

Preventing the possibility of having future boils

It is often not possible to eliminate the chances of having vaginal boils, but the following measures can help you reduce the risk of developing future boils

Practice excellent hygiene

Keep the area clean, wash the vaginal area with an antibacterial lotion or rinse. Likewise, frequent hand washing is also vital to reduce bacterial infection.

Regular exfoliation

Exfoliate the skin, especially the groin, armpit, and shoulders with the help of a loofah, brush, or textured cloth. Exfoliation ensures clearing away debris and dead skin, it unclogs pores, boosts blood circulation, and supports lymphatic drainage. exfoliation promotes the penetration of skincare products

Frequently change your underwear

Refrain sharing of razors

To reduce the risk of having an infection, avoid sharing your razors, towels, or underwear. Keep your razor dry and clean
Change your razor frequently, dull and old razor increases the risk of ingrown hairs.

Avoid dry shaving your pubic hairs, use a cream or shaving lotion to ensure less friction, and always shave in the bath.

Dr. Reena Prajapat
Dr Reena Prajapat is a dentist, she post graduated in hospital management from Apollo Institute of hospital Administration, Hyderabad. Her strong belief in natural and home remedies lead her to Pursue bachelor in naturopathy.