Cervical Spondylosis: Causes, Symptoms and Home Treatment - Home Health Beauty Tips
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Cervical Spondylosis: Causes, Symptoms and Home Treatment

What is Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is also known as neck arthritis or cervical osteoarthritis. It affects the disc and the joints in your neck region. It occurs due to wear and tear of bones and cartilages that are found in the cervical spine. In this article, we will learn about the causes, symptoms and home treatment for cervical spondylosis.

Cervical Spondylosis

what are the causes of cervical spondylosis

Mostly it is an age -related condition and occurs in elderly and middle-aged people but there are other factors responsible for it such as obesity, lack of exercise, neck and spinal injury, arthritis, lifting heavy weight, any previous spinal or neck injury, wrong posture and slipped disc which is a condition of the prolapsed or herniated disc. It is most common in young people.

What is Cervical Spondylosis

What are the symptoms of cervical spondylosis

In many people, there may not be any noticeable symptoms but in others following symptoms may be observed:

  • Pain in neck and shoulders
  • Stiffness of neck
  • Muscle spasm
  • There may be an occasional headache
  • Pain in arms
  • Noise or grinding sensation in turning the neck
  • Unable to turn or bend the head or neck.

Mostly the symptoms come and go away, but in some people, the pain may last for long. In some cases, the cervical spondylosis causes pressure on the spinal cord and this condition is known as cervical spondylosis with myelopathy. Symptoms of which are tingling, numbness, weakness in legs, arms, feet and hands, loss of bladder control, muscular spasm and abnormal reflexes.
Sometimes cervical spondylosis may result into a complication called as cervical radiculopathy. In this condition, the bone spurs press the nerves while exiting the bones of the spinal column. It is characterized by shooting pain down the arms.

What is the Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis

In most of the cases, rest is enough to relieve the symptoms of cervical spondylosis. Your doctor may also suggest you some medications to relieve the pain such as anti-inflammatory drugs and other non-narcotic drugs.
In some cases, the cervical collar may be suggested. You may also consult a physiotherapist who will suggest you appropriate exercise for your condition. In severe cases, epidural steroid injections are suggested as a treatment of cervical spondylosis. Surgery is rarely required.

There are also some natural and effective home remedies that can provide you relief from the symptoms of cervical spondylosis. They are as follows:

Effective Home Remedies for Cervical Spondylosis

  1. Hot and cold compress- By the application of alternate hot and cold compress, you may provide some relief to your symptoms. Hot compress relaxes the muscles and improves the circulation of the blood. On the other hand, cold compress helps in reducing the inflammation and swelling of the affected part.

    Just take a hot water bag and wrap it around a clean cloth and apply it to the affected area for about 5 minutes. This is followed by the cold compress for a minute. For this, you need to wrap some ice cubes in a clean cotton cloth and apply it to the affected part.

    Repeat the whole process daily for about 10 minutes until you get relief from your symptoms.

  2. Epsom salt bath- Epsom salt contains magnesium that reduces the stiffness and swelling. It also eases pain and other symptoms of inflammation.

    Take 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt and put in the bathtub filled with water. Soak yourself in the bathtub for about 15 minutes. Alternately, you may also make a thin paste by adding little amount of water to 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt and apply it to the affected area. After 20 minutes, rinse off with warm water. Repeat this every alternate day until you get relief.

    * Those who are suffering from high blood pressure, Heart or kidney disease should avoid doing this and try other alternative methods.

    Epsom salt bath

  3. Sesame oil- It is one of the popular remedies used since ages for the treatment of cervical spondylosis. This oil is rich in minerals and vitamin D and K. Thus, it strengthens the bone and reduces the pain.

    Mix sesame oil with equal quantities of lavender oil. Apply and massage gently over the affected area. Repeat this 3 times a day until you get relief.

  4. Turmeric- Being anti-inflammatory turmeric not only improve the circulation of the blood, but also eases pain and stiffness.Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to warm milk and drink it. You may also take turmeric capsules after consulting your doctor.
  5. Ginger tea– Being anti-inflammatory ginger is effective in reducing inflammation and improving the circulation of the blood. Crush few ginger slices. Add them to a cup of steaming water. Steep for about 15 minutes. Strain it and drink it slowly.

    Ginger tea

  6. Lemon Juice- Lemon juice has also been found effective in easing the symptoms of cervical spondylosis. Drink lemon juice 3 times a day until your symptoms are relieved.
  7. Apple cider vinegar– Soak a clean cloth with apple cider vinegar and keep it on the affected area for an hour or so. Repeat this 2 times a day for a few days to soothe pain and reduce inflammation.
  8. Diet- Diet plays an important role in the treatment of any disease. Take milk, bottle gourd, almonds, Drumsticks, fruits, vegetables, sprouts and whole grains. Avoid smoking and alcohol. If you are suffering from constipation then consult your physician for the treatment. Apart from this drink lots of water to ward off toxins from the body and exercise daily for 30 minutes.

Above mentioned home remedies are totally safe and effective treatment of cervical spondylosis. If you know any other home remedies for the same please share with us.

This post was last modified on July 25, 2016 5:00 pm

Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta

Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta:  Professionally a homeopathic doctor and a dietician Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta is passionate about writing health and parenting blogs. She believes in holistic approach towards health and well being.


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