Amazing Ways to reduce Cholesterol Levels

Are you suffering with high cholesterol levels and do you want to reduce cholesterol? So, this article is for you. But, actually what is cholesterol? Our boy cells require energy and they take it from fat like substance known as cholesterol. It is because for many diseases in human beings, especially heart attacks are caused due to presence of high cholesterol in the body. Now-a -days it has become a common problem in people due to modern life style habits. Cholesterol is also called as fats. Fat is good for human beings to an extent, but excess fats gives you all sort of troubles.

Amazing Ways to reduce Cholesterol Levels

Amazing Ways to reduce Cholesterol Levels

Let’s find out ways on how to reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Give up Smoking:

It damages the inner lining of arteries and paves the way for accumulation of cholesterol in arteries and additionally reduces good cholesterol levels in the body. Simultaneously, it enhances bad cholesterol levels. Smoking also increases the chance of experiencing cardio vascular diseases.

Give up smoking

Give up smoking


Do you have cholesterol in excess amounts or have you been diagnosed with cholesterol, so start exercising immediately. It helps in burning fats and cholesterol. It is one of the best way to bring down cholesterol levels. Exercising for at least 30- 50 minutes will burn fats and keeps one healthy.




Healthy diet is very important to cut down cholesterol. Avoid fatty substances like egg yolk, ghee, fried foods, junk foods, etc. Have enough vegetables, fruits, nuts, sprouts. Limit your oil usage and focus on non-oily products or food. Use olive oil, as it contains loads of good fats. A proper diet can keeps human beings healthy and keeps all the diseases at bay. Have loads of vegetables, especially spinach, as they contain certain flavonoids compounds that keep our heart hale and healthy by reducing bad cholesterol.



Modification in Life Style:

Modern life style habits are the main reasons for high cholesterol in human body. Make necessary changes in life style to stay fit. Eat food on time and never ever skip breakfast; eat more small meals a day. Do light exercises like walking, jogging, etc. Have a healthy diet and avoid outside food. Following these simple tips will save your life.


Alcohol consumption adds additional calories and stores fat in waist area and thus increase cholesterol level. So, have alcohol in limited amounts or quit it if possible. Alcohol just adds weight to the body due to presence of cholesterol or fat that is accumulated in the waist area and it also halts proper supply of blood to body parts.




Fish has lots of omega-3 fatty acids that helps in bringing down the cholesterol levels of the body and also helps in proper functioning of the heart. It is rich in protein and aids in increasing the good cholesterol levels. Salmon fish is just perfect for our body. We can also have fish supplements available in market and non-vegetarians can have these supplements, but doctor’s consultation is necessary before having such readymade tablets

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