Top Recommendation To Prep Your Skin For The Festive Season

Recommendation To Prep Your Skin For The Festive Season

From decorating our homes to choosing our clothing, the festive season has shown lots of excitement in everything we do, but it is also vital to take care of your skin while you’re keeping watch of other things. Hence, here’s the top guide on how to prep your skin to look sheen and healthy during the festive season. Top Recommendation To Prep Your Skin For The Festive Season

Keep Your Skin Hydrated With Retinol

Skin health improves with proper nourishment & hydration and give your face a natural shine.  At night, use a retinol-rich moisturiser or a serum containing niacinamide to keep your skin moisturised for 24 hours. It’s important to use a product that protects skin from the damaging effects caused by free radicals, and retinol maintains the elasticity of the skin,  and makes more supple, bright, and youthful-looking skin.

Never Go To Bed With Your Makeup On

Never leave your makeup on all night; it may harm your skin as makeup products include many chemicals, sleeping with makeup on, not only traps daytime debris but also clogs pores and makes dullness. It can also lead to infection and cause inflammation and acne. Never Go To Bed With Your Makeup On

Do Not Over-exfoliate

Exfoliation is essential for the skin to eliminate impurities regularly, but frequent scrubbing can cause the skin to lose its moisture, become dry and rash. On the other hand, over-exfoliation can make the skin condition worse than before.

Eat Well Nutrients Food

Eat well nutrients food to maintain  healthy skin, you’ll be glowing in no time. Vitamin A, C, E, and B12-rich foods are highly beneficial to the skin. Sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, flex seed and Chiya seeds are enriched in vitamins, including them in your diet might help you maintain your skin young and supple.

Say No To Fired and Oily Food

Avoid oily and fried food as it makes the skin dry and loses its natural shine. Deep-fried foods tend to produce excess oil within the skin, which aggravates acne-prone skin. In this festive season, to keep the skin glowing and healthy, it very essential to add the right nutrients to the diet to help the skin stay soft and blemish-free.

Sleep Well and Mind Your Position

If your body does not get enough sleep, it will show on your skin. To have healthy skin, you must complete your sleep cycle which helps get rid of dark circles, pimples, dryness and your skin will remain glowing. Thus, try to get at least 6-7 hours of sound sleep to stay super sheen during this festive season. Sleep Well And Mind Your Position

Your sleeping position has an impact on your skin. Sleeping on your side or on stomach depletes its collagen over time; instead, sleep on your back for a healthy and radiant face.

Avoid Popping Pimples

Avoid popping pimples to keep your skin acne-free, this can irritate and leave blemishes, scars, and more pimples. You can get rid of acne and pimples quickly by applying lemon and aloe vera juice on the affected area before sleeping and wash it off with cold water the next morning. Repeat this process continuously for 3-4 days to get completely clear skin. Avoid Popping Pimples

Priya Singha
Priya Singha: Priya is a freelance writer with an experience of 4+ years of her writing career. She pursued her Masters from DDU, Gorakhpur. She is very passionate about writing and is fond of writing short articles and blogs. She even has worked for several companies. Writing articles in the field of Health & Fitness, Beauty, Home Remedies and Travel are some of her most interested topics and brings out the best in her.