How to Get Rid of Acne on Forehead

During teenage, there are hormonal changes and this leads to acne outbreaks. However, adults may also suffer from acne. Acne commonly occurs on the cheeks, chin, and forehead. Acne on the forehead is usually neglected. But you are wrong if you think that forehead acne don’t need special treatment.

Acne on Forehead

Acne on Forehead

If attempt treating forehead acne is not conducted in time it may leave a scar and ruins your appearance. The reason behind the forehead acne is not just excessive oil or hormonal imbalance, but are also caused due to clogged pores, oily scalp, dandruff, certain medications, stress and digestive disorders.

How to Get Rid of Acne on Forehead

How to Get Rid of Acne on Forehead

If you suffer from zits of forehead acne below are effective home remedies to get rid of them.

Home Remedies for Forehead Acne


Lemon contains vitamin C. It is an excellent remedy to get rid of forehead acne. Squeeze the juice of a lemon and apply it to the acne. Repeat this daily. Avoid getting out in the sun after applying lemon juice to your skin as it makes the skin photosensitive. Thus, stepping out in the sun after application of lemon juice may cause sun damage.



2. Coriander juice

Grind fresh coriander along with water to make juice. Mix a teaspoon coriander juice with a pinch of turmeric. Apply this solution to your forehead before going to the bed. In the morning rinse it off. You may also use mint juice instead of coriander juice.

3. Wheat Grass Juice

It is rich in chlorophyll. Get the fresh wheatgrass juice and apply to the affected area regularly. This will not only treat forehead acne but also remove acne scars.

Wheat Grass Juice

Wheat Grass Juice

4. Mustard Powder and Honey

Mix a teaspoon of mustard powder with a half teaspoon of honey to make a paste. Apply this paste to the acne. After 15, minutes, rinse it off. Mustard is rich in vitamin C, omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, and zinc. Also, it contains salicylic acid. Honey is also antibacterial. Thus, regular use of this paste will force acne to leave your skin.

5. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is very effective in getting rid of most of the skin problems. Dilute it by adding water in the ratio 1:3. Apply it on the acne before going to sleep. Repeat this for a few days and acne will clear up.

6. Tomato

Tomato is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. Both are antioxidants and promotes the healing of acne. Rub a slice of tomato to the affected area. Repeat this 2 times for few days. Do not use it more than 2 times a day or it will make your skin dry. Also, add tomato to your daily diet.



7. Sandalwood Powder

It is antibacterial and also has a cooling effect. It not only removes the acne but also the spots and scars. Mix the sufficient amount of water to a tablespoon of sandalwood powder to make a paste. Apply it to the affected part and get rid of forehead acne.

8. Apple cider Vinegar

It is antibacterial and balances the pH. Dilute it by adding an equal quantity of water. Apply the solution to forehead with the help of a cotton swab. Be regular with the treatment and you will get the desired results.

Apple cider Vinegar

Apple cider Vinegar

9. Eggs

Rich in protein eggs promotes the healing. Whip an egg. Separate egg white from egg yolk. Beat it and apply on the affected part or all over the face. After 15-20 minutes, rinse it off.



10. Garlic

Being antibacterial garlic has prooved its efficiency in treating forehead acne. Crush a clove of garlic and apply the paste to the affected part.

Beside the home remedies to get rid of forehead acne also make sure to eat a diet rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals. drink lots of water. Practice yoga and meditation to reduce stress. And if you have dandruff get rid of it soon.

Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta
Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta:  Professionally a homeopathic doctor and a dietician Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta is passionate about writing health and parenting blogs. She believes in holistic approach towards health and well being.