10 Foods will Prevent The Growth of Grey Hair - Home Health Beauty Tips
Categories: Hair Care

10 Foods will Prevent The Growth of Grey Hair

Grey hair is a sign of ageing and the biggest nightmare of everyone. Do you know that even our food habits are responsible for the white hair? It’s impossible to stop grey hair, but we can slow down it.

How..? It’s simple; we need to eat certain kinds of food, which will improve the melanin levels in our body. These levels will help in slowing down the grey hair and keep them healthy. Therefore, these are the 10 foods to be taken to prevent the growth of grey hair. Have a look…

Growth of Grey Hair

1.Chickpeas contain a good amount of vitamin B9. Thus, including this in your diet will improve your hair and slow down grey hair.

2.Eggs, cheese, milk and chicken have a good amount of vitamin B, B9, B12 and folic acid. Therefore, having these frequently will be very helpful in the improvement of melanin levels.

Prevent The Growth of Grey Hair

3.Lentils have a good source of vitamin B9, methionine and amino acid. So, to reduce the growth of grey hair you must consume lentils.

4.As we know carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is good for both skin and hair. Therefore, carrot provides a required amount of melanin in the hair.


5.Berries are filled with Vitamin C and provide a good blood circulation to the scalp. Therefore, for a healthy hair a fresh blood circulation is very important. Thus, add berries in your diet.


6.Your hair also needs a good amount of iron and having meat liver helps to improve the iron levels.

7.Curry leaves are a good source for preventing grey hair. Adding this to your daily diet will help in reducing the white hair.

8.We know that our hair is composed of proteins. So, your hair needs more proteins to stay away from white hair. Thus, start having beans as it contains a rich amount of proteins in it.

Prevent The Growth of Grey Hair

9.To keep the hair colour intact you need to consume a lot of green leafy vegetables like spinach.

10.Walnuts are very good in the production of melanin in our body as these are rich in copper. So, have at least a walnut daily to avoid grey hair.


Well, we can’t control the ageing of hair by only having or adding a certain types of food in our daily diet. We also need to avoid some food and habits to prevent a premature white hair. Thus, below are the listed things which you need to reduce or stop its intake for a good and shiny hair.

  • Avoid adding a high amount of salt in your diet.
  • Junk foods do most harm to our body as well as hair.
  • Avoid the intake of refined sugar, which is very harmful.
  • Stop craving the high carb foods.

Junk Foods

Smoking and drinking are also the biggest reason of premature ageing. Thus, quit both for a healthy life.

So, friends, keeping yourself young are definitely in your hand. Thus, eat healthy and avoid unhealthy things, which are becoming a big ageing source in your life.

This post was last modified on August 11, 2016 7:39 am

Team Home Health Beauty Tips

Team Home Health Beauty Tips


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