Get relief from Beauty Woes with Household Plants

When revamping your home, nasty smells and chemicals from building materials would come to make indoor air toxic. These chemicals can cause neurological and respiratory problems. According NASA scientists, best air-filtering houseplants get rid of these nasty smells and provide oxygen. By getting greenery can help you to get rid of your beauty woes.

English ivy:

It is considered as no. 1 best air-filtering houseplant by the NASA scientists. Household cleaning products produce chemicals like formaldehyde and a carcinogen, which sucks up by this climbing vine. This superversatile plant is available in all kinds of colours and shapes. Topiary, hanging baskets, low planters are the perfect growing places. During winter, it requires misting.

English ivy

English ivy

Bamboo palm:
It has the ability to get rid of formaldehyde from indoor air. This low-maintenance plant needs just a direct sunlight for a couple of hours and watering on the regular basis.

This plant contains carnosic acid, which helps to improve the circulation to the brain and lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. So, you can grow this plant in your home by maintaining it in a small pot. Due to aroma smells, it helps to improve your memory. You can make anti-amnesia tea in five minutes. This will get your brain blood pumping.

Rubber plant:
Eradicating nasty formaldehyde easily with this plant is ranked high in the industry. Moreover, it endures low light and cooler temperatures. You need to water the plant regularly.

Grow this plant in your home by keeping a medium or large bucket, which gets abundance of direct sunlight. Whenever it blooms, cut off specific stems dangle them upside down to dry. Settle in bath for relaxing by scattering the dried blooms, Lavender-infused absorbs. By growing this plant in your home, symptoms of anxiety like depression and insomnia can be reduced.

Peace lily:

This plant helps to remove the chemicals including benzene, acetone, ammonia, and alcohols from air. If you want chemical-free and insect-free atmosphere in your home, you need to wash the leaves frequently.

Peace lily

Peace lily

Lady palm:
The chemical-free air is available where this plant is growing. It is highly resistant to insects. If the plant changes brown from a build up of minerals and slat, you need to cut off the leaf tips. This helps to get rid of the respiratory problems. It is against to the both household cleaners and animal waste.


This plant leaves are really wonderful ingredient. Take some leaves in crush and rub them. Keep them in a cloth. The distinctive Oder comes from those leaves. This works as a natural repellent as working 10 times more effectively than a chemical repellent DEET, according to a research. So, repel the mosquitoes by growing this plant in your home.



Aloe Vera:
This is wonderful medicinal plat used to cure skin issues for many years. This plant produce a variant gel acts as an effective acne cream. So, get the plant fast.
All the above plants are really works well for you. Research study said that these will helps you in all the way.

Team Home Health Beauty Tips