Yoga for Physical and Mental Health


Firstly, we should know that both Yoga and Gym give strength to our body. So it’s better to follow both in our life. Gym builds up the body and Yoga gives us a mental health. And stretching the body after a workout will release stress from our body. Yoga builds up physical, mental, spiritual disciplines in our body. Yoga has the ability to improve mental strength and physical fitness where as in gym we can attain only physical fitness. As the youth is undergoing lot of mental tensions, practicing yoga gives them both mental and physical stamina. Gym requires costly equipments where as yoga requires just a mat and peace of concentration in a good environment.


To attain good results in Yoga patience plays main role. The result obtained by Yoga gives a long lasting and stable effect on body. Yoga can cure any pain in our body completely but takes time to cure it depending on your body system. It also keeps people healthy who don’t prefer going to gym. Mainly, it gives mental strength that enables us to fight with any problem and keeps a person happy. It does not allow sorrow and agony to disturb your state of mind and maintains stability over your body and mind. It boosts confidence in our body. And Yoga is not only asanas but daily a ‘Surya Namaskar’ and ‘Pranayam’ helps in removing toxins from our body and gives us energy to enjoy the day even if you have lots of work and tension. Girls need more mental balance than boys so yoga helps them to build self confidence in them.

Yoga for Physical and Mental Health

Yoga for Physical and Mental Health


In today’s world, youth wants instant results regarding shape of their body and health. So for these kinds of people, Gym suits better than yoga. To make your body slim and fit with six and eight pack, gym helps in a better way. Physical fitness can be attained by gyming daily. Once if your body start depending on gym then lifelong the same exercises should be continued or else the body looses it’s shape. It helps in instant reduction of weight. But, daily gyming is also a good activity which makes your body fit. Exercises also remove toxins from your body through sweat.

Gym for Health

Gym for Health

So, mainly youth prefer gym than yoga. Instant results may keep our body fit for sometime but when you stop gyming then you again gain weight. So it’s better to follow both gym and yoga to attain a good result. If you stop gym for some reasons then yoga helps you to maintain the same body and mental fitness.

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