Yoga For Glowing Skin: Meditation, Yoga Poses

Yoga and Meditation For Glowing Skin

Healthy and glowing skin is the first thing to be noticed by people when they admire you. Radiant skin is not just a treat to the eyes of others but it also builds up your self-confidence. Skin is the largest organ of our body, so, like other organs, it should also be nurtured and nourished. Presently, it can be difficult and tiresome to do so because of pollution, bad eating and sleeping habits and stressful environment. However, there is still a natural way to have flawless and healthy skin with no side effects at all. That is called Yoga- A holistic way to get glowing skin.

Bhastrika Pranayama

Bhastrika Pranayama

Yoga is an ancient natural technique to prevent as well as treat ailments. No more expensive spa treatments or cosmetics are needed to flaunt your attention grabbing skin. Yoga cleanses and detoxifies your skin from inside. It ensures necessary blood circulation to your skin. The more it gets blood from beneath, the more it will radiate from outside. Yoga works on the root causes behind dull, spotted and wrinkled skin. Accordingly, let us know about them first.

Yoga and Meditation For Glowing Skin

Yoga and Meditation For Glowing Skin

Causes of Skin Problems

  • Excessive intake of junk food, fried food, alcohol, drugs, inappropriate eating habits, smoking, stress- all these can result in premature aging of skin.
  • Immoderate sleep and unhealthy lifestyle lead to improper digestion which in turn leaves adverse effects on skin.
  • The most common skin problem is acne. It can be caused because of many reasons including hormonal imbalances.
  • Harmful radiations from sun can also be hazardous to your skin.

Here are some promising yoga postures which give you beautiful and youthful skin. It should be noted that all yoga postures are done with an empty stomach except Vajrasana. There is an another rule for performing yogic poses i.e. always exhale during forward-bending positions and vice-versa.

  1. Say ‘get out’ to sweat with Surya Namaskar

    Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a set of 12 yogic poses. Generally, it is done in morning or evening facing towards or opposite to the Sun. It improves blood circulation resulting in glowing skin and clear complexion. Italso tones the skin muscles to avoid wrinkles.

    Yoga and Meditation For Glowing Skin

    Yoga and Meditation For Glowing Skin

  2. Go with Sarvangasana-

    The Queen of Yoga poses Shoulder stand or Sarvangasana reverses the blood flow from toe to head so that facial skin and muscles get right amount of blood. Clear, spotless skin and toned muscles are some of the results of it. You don’t need to put make-up on your cheeks if you do this pose as it gives rosy glow to your skin too.



  3. The O2 supplier- Uttanasana

    A forward-bending pose which directs the flow of blood toward face. It supplies enough amount of oxygen to skin cells to make them radiant. It also helps in skin renewal by providing essential nutrients to the skin.

  4. Glow by The Fish Pose
    Matsyasana is a pose which will make you like a fish. It works on glands like pituitary, pineal and thyroid by moderating their functions and secretions, as an outcome, your skin becomes healthy. A stretching exercise for the muscles of your face.
    The Fish Pose

    The Fish Pose

  5. Stretching through Trikonasana

    The Triangle Pose is a perfect asana for the rejuvenation of skin by opening up the lungs, chest and heart to supply more oxygen to the skin. It is a good stretching exercise for the other parts of your body too.

  6. The Snake Pose

    Bhujangasana is a stress-relieving and refreshing yogic posture. As it a chest opener, it provides large amount of oxygen to the skin and detoxifies it by removing accumulated toxins. A stress-free and relaxing life will always reward you with an extra glow on your skin.

    The Snake Pose

    The Snake Pose

Pranayama and Meditation to fulfill glowing skin regime

Pranayama is also a type of yoga which is based on the regulation of breathing. Breath itself, can give you beautiful skin. Some of its examples are Kapal Bhati, Bhastrika Pranayama, Naadi-Shodhana. All these give you gorgeous glow from outside and healthy, toxin-free skin from inside. Stress level and fatigue get decreased if these are followed appropriately and regularly. Sleeping habits are also improved due to this. Kapal Bhati and Bhastrika are effective in detoxification by forceful exhalation process. On the contrary, Naadi-Shodhana pranayam is a slow and balancing breathing process by closing one nostril at a time.

Kapal Bhati

Kapal Bhati

Meditation is nothing but sitting, doing nothing. Can ‘doing nothing’ achieve glowing skin? Yes, it can. Mediation eliminates negative emotions, slows down the aging process, treats mood swings and increases self-confidence. Therefore, in every way, it works in the favor of your skin. It adds the most beautiful jewel to your face i.e. the smile. Meditation is the natural concealer for your face which you can use as much as you like.



These are the techniques which can add radiance to your skin just not for 2-3 days or months. It will make your skin beautiful and add glow which will last throughout your life.